Я пришел к таким выводам:
*золото сейчас коснуться 1150 может, продолжение роста возможно, но прямо в текущем ралли не до конца уверен.
*намереваюсь слить на днях IAG(IAM Gold), убыток посажу эдак 60%. Но, шире взглянув на компании, понял что есть куда перекинуться,
а лучше баскет сделать. Но, вероятнее всего в зеленый сектор перейду, он меня реже подводил.
Очень много денег потерял в 2014-15 на майнерах, китайцах и всем не американском. ))))
Дорого против бакса вставать слишком рано.
(-) weak showings at all fronts, except cash-position;
(+) I don't think that the data is very precise, however since 4Q of 2013 gold sales are admittedly higher than gold production;
(--) out of "2016janWestwood preso" investor shall read Wrap Up - last 3 pages, av. life of mines 6-8 years, AISC for 2016 1000-1100$, gold price assumption 1200. That won't do if prices are 1050-1150, which is very likely;
(--)despite all undertaken measures IMG wasn't able to lower their true costs of gold mining, that are still above 1200 according to my estimations;
(--) a very feeble data is derived from RV file - statsfeb2016, IMG_CN is bad in almost every possible way;
(+) new Chairman of the Board - young and perspective;
(+) on the Board there is an independent director - Timothy R. Snider - a very experienced miner (FCX, Phelps Dodge, US-mining
hall of fame) he increased his holdings of IMG_CN from 2K to 15+K since end of 2014 and added more at the dips, also pretty experienced independent director Mahendra Naik (CPA 80lvl+) increased his holdings, and current CEO - Stephen Letwin has done the same;
(+) great investors in Contrarious Inv. mgmt increased their steak almost 2-times over the 2015, the same did Renaissance technology;
(-) Stephen MacDougal - is a senior VP: Chief of Exploration, he was/is a CEO/President of Continentak Nickel company
that was acquired by IXR_AU - a company fated to go bankrupt. I don't like him;
(-) DXY vs gold prices in USD chart suggest that the time for gold to rebound hasn't come yet;
(*) comparable chart of VIX, Golds, CL1 gives us some clues - CL follows Golds' trend;
(Quick Pitch) IMG is a worst company of all normal companies (not of the worsts) except it has 500+ mio of cash that brings in a zero net debt, which is not so rare. It would be practical enough to look at more global diversified miner or smaller simple low-cost miner;
According to pic “feb2016golds.gif” gold has a potential at least to touch 1150, then if it make a basis at 1150+ it can go higher. Before or at 1140 I better to loose IMG_CN;
Сообщение отредактировал Chuvak: 03 February 2016 - 19:42