PRMIA предлагает семинар по стресс тестированию:
Stress Testing has become an imperative component of risk management due to the fluctuation in financial markets and increase in regulatory requirements. Drawing upon its success in spring 2008, the course is once again offering participants an opportunity to learn how to introduce integrated stress testing into the overall risk management framework.
Topics include:
* a detailed exposition of theory and practice of stress testing
* benchmarking a bank's existing stress testing framework against best-practice
* how to design integrated stress tests that cover different types of risks
* develop stress tests either through a top-down approach (appropriate for smaller banks with less than $10 billion in assets) or bottom-up approach (distinguishing between retail and corporate exposures)
* how to translate stress testing results into actions and communicate them to senior management.
Analyzing case studies through group discussions offers participants a hands-on approach to stress testing methodologies.
* Introduce, develop and implement stress testing into enterprise-wide risk management
* Benchmarking with best-practice stress testing
* Different varieties and methodologies for stress testing - top-down vs. bottom-up, retail vs. corporate
* Economic/Regulatory capital adequacy through stress testing
* Convert stress testing results into actions
* Hands-on approach throughout the course
* Risk Management (Credit Risk, Market Risk and Operational Risk)
* Portfolio Management (Retail/SME/Corporate)
* Risk Policy
* Capital Management
* Basel II Implementation
* Audit
* Finance
* Regulators
* Rating Agencies
* Risk Management Consultants
DAY 1, Monday, December 1, 2008
Theory and Practice of integrated stress testing
* Why do we need stress testing? Is VaR and adequate stress measure?
* Group discussion on current practice of stress testing
* Economic and regulatory capital adequacy
* Model stress testing vs. stress scenario analysis and sensitivity analysis
* Approaches to stress testing; top-down vs. bottom-up
Introduction of stress testing into the overall risk management framework: risk policies, risk methodologies and risk infrastructure
* Identify and document risks (Phase I)
* Recommend and close gaps (Phase II)
* Identify modeling and data risks (Phase III)
* Develop implementation plan (Phase IV)
* Implement (Phase V)
* Best-practice risk policies, methodologies and infrastructure for stress testing
Top-down Integrated Stress Testing of Bank Risk
* Earnings volatility as a proxy of bank risk
* Breakdown of bank risk into its components
* Estimate risk components from history of balance-sheet and income statements and regulatory filings
* Case study for stress testing risk components and overall bank risk
Integrated stress testing for Corporate Exposures
* A multi-factor portfolio model
* Is it possible to integrate stress testing with standard VaR analysis?
* How to integrate credit, market and operational risk
- Market risk stress testing
- Credit risk stress testing
- Operational risk stress testing
* Stressing risk concentrations
* Case study with step by step construction of scenarios and demonstration
DAY 2, Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Integrated stress testing for Retail Exposure
* A portfolio model specific to retail lending
* How to integrate credit, market and operational risk
- Market risk stress testing
- Credit risk stress testing
- Operational risk stress testing
* Case study with step by step scenarios and demonstration
Use and interpretation of stress testing results
* Benchmarking stress testing
* Scenario based risk measures and capital allocation
* Controlling stress testing limits
* Communication of results to C-Suite and Board of Directors
Wrap-up with group discussion
* Recap of stress testing methods and usage
* Lessons learned
* Knowledge transfer to workplace